2023 March Meeting
Attending APS March Meeting in Las Vegas!
Traveling sample
How can you transfer a sample from one instrument where it was grown to another instrument where you can do further measurements? Answer: put it in a “vacuum can” and walk down the stairs! 😉 Ali, Rysa, Jiabin, and Vanessa are working together here.
Dr. Jisun Kim
604–827–5028jisun.kim (at) ubc.ca
Timothy Branch
Physicstbranch (at) phas.ubc.ca
Vanessa King
Chemistryvanessaking (at) chem.ubc.ca
Rysa Greenwood
Physicsrysagreenwood (at) phas.ubc.ca
Dong Chen
Physicsdchen (at) phas.ubc.ca
Jörn Bannies
Chemistryjbannies (at) chem.ubc.ca
Jiabin Yu
Physicsyujiabin (at) phas.ubc.ca